The snow gives a different look to the landscape in Carroll County. We moved around a little bit yesterday, but made sure to be home before it got dark. While the roads are getting clear, the melting snow freezes at dusk and there is a lot of black ice. The snow is also melting on buildings and there are a lot of icicles hanging around. I captured some water dropping from the house. Things are starting to get back to normal if that is possible. The local newspaper was delivered yesterday for the first time in three days, in a clear plastic bag. Hopefully the neighbors will see their paper after the plows go through. This morning as I walked around I saw a couple jogging. Since you are struck close to home this weekend, why not take part in the annual bird count. You can get the information at http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/. If you venture out, you will encounter delays as plows and front loaders are trying to open all the roads. You have to love that late afternoon light.