Now that the snow has stopped falling and you have shoveled out the driveway, don't put the camera away.
Early morning and late afternoon offers great light for photographs. It gives you a chance to snap an image that might make a good Christmas gift showing Carroll County with it winter suit on.
After taking the dog for a walk early Tuesday morning I saw the light in the eastern sky. I went back in the house and said to Shirley "I think I am going to drive down to Liberty Lake."
So away we went. Traffic was light in Eldersburg, so we made good time. I usually like to go the back way, but not knowing the road conditions we traveled on Liberty Road.
We arrived before the sun rose, which was perfect. I was familiar with the area as I have shot there before. By before, I mean when it was warm and green. It helps to know the area, then you do not spend too much time looking for the right angle.
Yea, I know it's cold out, but when you get a good image you feel warmer and having a woman like Shirley along, warms your heart. You will have to find your own partner, as she is mine.
So keep that camera handy.