I have had a good three days of shooting. I shot a house fire Thursday, which ran on the Baltimore Sun web site. Friday night and Saturday afternoon found me at football games. I shot South Carroll naming of the football field for Ken Parker.
Saturday I was shooting Homecoming at McDaniel College. They wanted me to shot the coin toss, fans and cheerleaders. No problem.
I have seen a lot of football on the Hill. I believe I shot my first game in 1975. I have always shot games and haven't been a spectator there, but I believe it may be the best place to watch a game. You can park next to the field and watch the game from your car.
What did I say, no problem. Just before the coin toss it started to rain. No make that poured. It would go to a drizzle, a couple times before halftime, but then it opened up and the rain fell in buckets.
I thought I got wet Friday night, but I was just damp compared to Saturday. I haven't been that wet on assignment since a football game at the college in the early 80s. They lost that game 6-0 on a fumble in the end zone.
I took a couple of minutes to shoot the action on the field. I think I shot four plays. One was a touchdown, a quarterback sack and an interception. It's nice to know I still have it shooting sports. That has always been one of my strengths.
At halftime of the game, they honored the Green Terror team from 1999. The squad was 11-1, losing in the NCAA playoffs. I shot that team and it made me feel my age, seeking them again.
I couldn't have been wetter if I fell in a pond. I called Shirley to let her know I was on my way home. I only had to shoot through halftime. She had a hot shower ready for me when I got home.
She is a special lady.