I was taking a bag of trash to the large trash can outside when I heard this muted tapping sound. I looked around, but didn't see anything, so I checked out a tree on the edge of the woods. I had seen a woodpecker there a few weeks ago. I looked around and didn't see anything and then I heard the tapping again. I looked up at the tree again and saw a perfect round hole toward the top. While standing there a feathered head came out and dropped wood chips. So I started to take some pictures. Yes, I carried the camera out to the trash can, because some birds had been visiting the feeder. I took some images that afternoon and then took some more in the morning when I took the dog outside. According to our "Sibley's Backyard Birds of the Mid-Atlantic & South-Central States'' it is a pair of Red-bellied Woodpekers. I will keep my eyes open for when the little ones are hatched and poking their heads out to see the world. It's great to watch nature and to capture it with the camera.