This is a post about seeing something, but not seeing it. Right now you are saying "What does he mean?" I have driven past a spot on Klee's Mill Road in Carroll County hundreds of times. When I was working, I drove by the spot at least twice-a-day. So Wednesday I ran an errand and on the way back a light went off over my head as I saw a post and Queen Anne's lace. I shot the image then, but knew it could be better. I knew that the day after it rained the sky would be a deep blue which would make a great background. I know the images in my head never turn out the same in reality, sometimes they are better. After shooting the picture, bless her heart for all Shirley heard about for a short while, she didn't tell me to change the subject. While at soccer practice I watched clouds move in. We went to Safeway after practice. I had the image of the fence post and flowers in my mind. So I figured I would have to wait for a rainy day or did I. Dusk was setting in as we left the store and there was a break in the clouds. I took a chance and drove to the fence post. I was rewarded with a nice sunset, but had to work fast as the light was fading. Shirley didn't question what we were doing as I spent about five minutes shooting the image vertically and horizontally. I shot the first images vertically, but I believe the horizontal one works best with the sunset. I am happy with the image, but will return after it rains and will also shoot another sunset.