When you think of Gettysburg, what might come to mind is the heat of July, as the battle was fought on July 1st, 2nd and 3rd in 1863. I was in Gettysburg this week and took a fast (and I do mean fast, think Griswold's at the Grand Canyon in the movie "Vacation") trip though part of the battlefield. I cut through the visitors center parking lot and there was less than 10 cars there. That means no crowds and you could take your time looking at displays. There was one car in the area of the High Water Mark. It was like my own historic site. The hotels had few vehicles on the parking lots also. What snow was on the ground added to the photographs, but there is nothing like a winter sky (unless its a fall sky. Blue in places the clouds were not, but the clouds, oh the clouds they make a perfect background.
So grab that camera and head north of the Mason-Dixon line.