Friday night I had the honor of shooting the naming of the football field at South Carroll High School. The field is now known as Parker Field. Ken Parker started the football program at the school in the 1960's and coached at the school for over 25 years.
I never played for him, but enjoyed covering him for the local newspaper. He was a straight shooter and his players were loyal to him. This was obovious Friday night by the number who showed up to support their former coach.
His wife has always been his biggest supporter and was a big part of the special night. She was a long time cheerleader coach for the Cavaliers.
It was good to be at the event, but it let's me know my age, as I remembered most of the players from shooting them in the 70's, 80's and 90's.
About 25, maybe 30 years ago I showed up to cover a basketball game at the school and was wearing a blue sweater and she asked how could I wear that to the school. South Carroll's biggest oppoent at that time was Westminster and their colors were blue and white. Friday night I made sure I wore a gold sweater.
Oh did I mention it rained Friday night. I just didn't get wet, I was soaked when I got home. It was hard to shoot pictures half way through the ceremoney because of the rain.
For those that would like to order pictures let me know the letter of the image and e-mail the information to
grwelty@gmail.comThe pictures are priced as follows:
3x5 $1
4x6 $1
5x7 $5
8x10 $10
The check can be sent to George Welty, 835 Sarah Drive, Eldersburg, MD 21784.