It's been hot in Eldersburg this past week, how hot you ask? We didn't attend the Sykesville Firemen's Carnival during the week. After the fire this past winter which destroyed the social hall it is important to support the local fire department this year. Friday it was a lot cooler and I decided to shoot the fireworks. Those of you that fellow my blog know I love to shoot fireworks and full moons. As I started down Bartholow Road I saw that a full moon was rising. Each full moon is known by a name, the June one is a strawberry moon. I got very excited to be able to shoot both in one night. I parked at the carnival and started capturing images of the moon while checking out the lay out of the carnival. People kept asking me when the fireworks were going to start; most of them had young kids who were usually in bed. The fireworks started at 10:15 and I was home with Shirley by 10:50. I moved around a lot to get different angles, but my favorite is the couple sitting on top of a vehicle watching the display. I believe I will try to shoot the fireworks at Winfield Firemen's Carnival in a few weeks.