Last night when we got home, a Christmas present had arrived, a Sony E-Reader. I knew it was coming, but when was the question? I had downloaded over 30 free books and one magazine prior to it's arrival. The magazine I downloaded was "Celebrate Gettysburg". I have the cover this month, as they featured the magazine's photographers. If you want to see the cover and some of my other images go to www.celebrategettysburg.com
I was up almost until one playing with the reader. The gift was from Shirley and she made me very happy. It was the perfect gift for someone that likes to read. I am very thankful to have her in my life.
So this morning I got ready to take the dog out and Shirley said, you have to come see this. She led me to the computer and there on the screen were her and I. On the screen was "eldersburg.net" with us on their home page.
The photograph was one I sent them for "Who's Who of Eldersburg", which they had selected me to be part of. It was quite an honor to be included on their web site.
You can check out our image along with my write up, plus see some of my work. They ran images of houses decked out for Christmas and also the recent snow storms.
Today we had some errands to run after shooting some snow images, so I did not get to use it again until the this evening.
After driving to Columbia, it was off to Owings Mills. The first stop was Best Buy and then off to Mars Supermarket. I know you are going Mars? There was a good reason. One day this week I saw a piece on channel 2 in the morning about where to find Almond Smash. My ears went up and I took in the whole thing. One of the places they said it was available was Mars.
When I was little, my grandmother ran a liquor store on Main Street in Westminster. The choice for soda was nothing like it is today. I loved Squirt and Almond Smash.
If I remember right, Almond Smash makes a good ice cream float.
Well, Mars had the the soda and for the record and it still good. We all remember things from our youth and wonder if we can ever find it or taste it again. Mars also had Mary Jane candy, which I remember as a penny candy.
When we left Mars, a lady was in the parking lot feeding sea gulls. Shirley said it looks like the movie, "The Birds" and then she said "The Notebook" with all the white birds.
On the way home I was able to capture a shot of the afternoon sun through a woods and also a shot of Morgan Run.
So tomorrow I will read from my E-Reader along with reading a hard back book that is due back to the library by next Wednesday. Now if only the Baltimore Sun and a few magazines I like to read would come available on the Sony.