I tell Shirley that a picture is a moment. She is probably tired of hearing it, but Thursday morning I was reminded that they are a moment. I went out the door early and the sun was still low in the sky. A butterfly was on a petunia in a flower box on the porch. It was backlit and the colors were beautiful, so I went back for my camera. When I got back it was flying around the yard. A moment gone. I write down notes when I see something that could make a nice image, many images can be made from planning and anticipation (I don't know about you, but when I hear that word I think of Carly Simon.) But just as many images are moments. This is especially true of children and animals. This is also true of sunrises and sunsets. The sun moves and the light changes. You can't plan for a bird to sit on a cow or a man in a parade to wave his hat. You have to be ready to capture the special moments in life.